Highly Informative Tips That Will Help You To Quit Smoking – familyhealthdesign

Smoking is a terrible habit that leads to health problems and even death. Quit smoking early to be a good role model for your children and live a longer, more fulfilling life. Read the helpful tips in the following article for some great ideas on how to quit smoking.

In order to quit smoking successfully, ask for help from the people you see most. Having the support of family, friends, and co-workers can mean the difference between success and failure. Quitting any habit is difficult, especially one like smoking that is addictive. Make sure the people around you cheer you on and do not intentionally thwart your success.

If you’re doing well on your stop smoking journey, don’t forget to reward yourself. Treat yourself to a nice massage, a pedicure, or a special new outfit when you’ve cut back, and then something else when you’ve stopped entirely. You need to have rewards like this to look forward to, as they can help to keep you motivated.

Improve your chances of successfully quitting by sharing your plan to quit with supportive loved ones and friends. The encouragement you receive can provide extra motivation during rough patches, and telling people about quitting will help you stay more accountable. Have a few people on stand-by whom you can call for distraction whenever you get a craving.

Be cognizant of routine activities that trigger the desire to have a smoke. For some, it is the first cup of coffee in the morning. For others it may be the end of a meal, or socializing with smoking friends. Whatever your trigger may be, this is the time you must remind yourself that you are quitting because you care enough about yourself that you want to.

Quit smoking to make exercise easier. Smoking makes it difficult to breathe, meaning that you aren’t getting healthy levels of oxygen to your muscles and organs. This makes exercising much more difficult, which can lead to a life filled with ailments. When you quit, your lung capacity will soon improve, making that daily exercise goal, an easier one to achieve.

It is important to realize that although cold turkey may work for one person, it may not work for you. People think that they can quit smoking on their own and only end up going back because they tried too much, too fast. You may require an aid for quitting, such as a nicotine patch.

Quit smoking with a buddy. Having someone else with whom to commiserate and celebrate will make your success even sweeter. Choose a friend, relative, or co-worker who also wants to quit, or pair up with someone on an online support forum. Having someone by your side will make the process much easier to tolerate and will help you stay accountable.

Before you quit, identify your triggers and plan ways around them. If you always smoke when you drink, abstain from alcohol for a while. If smoking before, during or after meals is a common practice for you, change up your meal plans or environments to prevent this. Track your smoking times and places to know when and where you light up, and adapt accordingly.

Avoid emptying your ashtrays. If you see how many cigarettes you have smoked laying the the ashtray, you will be less likely to smoke any more. This will also leave the unsightly butts and their smell behind. This can be helpful because it will remind of you how bad the smell of smoke is.

When you have made up your mind that you want to quit smoking, it is important to get some support from others. Let your family, friends, and co-workers know that you are planning on giving up your smoking habit and ask for their support and encouragement. Who knows, some of them may have been successful with breaking the habit and can offer some great advice. With their help and encouragement, it can help you get through the tough days.

Prepare to say goodbye. Smoking is not a habit, it is a relationship. You will grieve the loss of an old friend. So you need to be prepared to go through the six stages of grieving a loss and parting ways with your smoker self. Think back to how you have said goodbye to things in the past and apply the successful tricks you used then.

Before you attempt to quit smoking, figure out exactly why you want to quit. Are you worried that it will worsen a condition you have, or that it will cause you develop a long-term illness? Are you worried about the impact second-hand smoke is having on your loved ones? If you know exactly why you’re quitting, any method you use will be more effective.

While it may be difficult, stay away from other smokers while you are trying to quit, or ask smokers to leave their cigarettes at home for a few weeks when they come to visit. One of the biggest triggers for relapse is simply having the opportunity to smoke, so do not make it easy for yourself to bum one off of anyone.

As stated in the beginning of the article, smoking cigarettes is a terrible habit that leads to many health problems. There are many reasons to quit this habit from saving money to living a healthier life. Use the helpful advice in the article above to help you quit smoking.