Quit Smoking Now With Healthy Stop Smoking Tips – familyhealthdesign

Some view quitting as easy as dumping their cigarettes and going with sheer willpower. There are easier ways then brute force willpower alone. There are numerous tools and techniques available to quit smoking successfully.

In order to quit smoking successfully, ask for help from the people you see most. Having the support of family, friends, and co-workers can mean the difference between success and failure. Quitting any habit is difficult, especially one like smoking that is addictive. Make sure the people around you cheer you on and do not intentionally thwart your success.

Before you begin the process of quitting your nicotine habit for good, take the time to make a specific plan of action. Merely thinking that you can muster up the willpower when needed is a poor way to approach this very addictive habit. Write down a list of things that you will do instead of reaching for that cigarette. This can include going for a walk, calling a friend, making a fresh fruit smoothie, or any number of diversions.

When you smoke, you sometimes are just obsessed with the feeling of having something in your mouth. This can be replaced with a less dangerous habit such as chewing gum or eating candy. Anytime you feel like smoking, just have a piece of hard candy or chew a stick of gum.

If you smoke as a way to control stress, you’ll want to have other stress remediation techniques ready when you decide to quit. Keep yourself out of situations that may stress you out for the first few weeks after you’ve quit. You can also manage your stress through yoga, meditation or by getting a massage.

You must know why you want to stop smoking. Having shallow reasons, like it is bad for you are not good enough. To really get yourself motivated, you need a personal and powerful reason to quit. Maybe you are scared of lung cancer. Or maybe you would like to keep your family from second hand smoke. It might be because you want to both feel and look younger. Choose a strong reason that outweighs your urge to light up.

When you are first trying to quit smoking, try to avoid places that you associate with smoking. This might mean staying away from your favorite bar or the smoking spot at work. Staying away from these places also means staying away from temptation, which can be a very important thing to do when you are first trying to quit.

If you are worried about gaining weight as you begin to quit, then you should try to incorporate a moderate exercise regimen into your daily routine to help curb any weight gain that you might experience. Exercise is the best way to prevent any weight gain from your quitting.

Set a day that you plan on quitting your smoking habit permanently. Write down this date on your calendar, and plan on this day. Your mind should be ready for a new change that will last for the remainder of your life. You could even have a small party on the morning of the day that you’re quitting.

See your doctor and ask him to recommend a stop smoking program or medication. Only five percent of people who attempt to stop cold turkey, with no help, succeed in their attempt to quit smoking. You need help to overcome the cravings and withdrawal symptoms that accompany any attempt to quit.

Make a list of healthy things you can do to relieve stress, anxiety or frustration. For many people, smoking is a way to relieve stress. Your list can help you find a better, healthier way of coping with negative feelings so that you won’t be as tempted to smoke when you’re having a bad day.

You can find support and help on online communities and forums. There are numerous sites that are devoted to help people stop smoking. It might be helpful and informative for you to compare different quitting methods with other people. Furthermore, you can rest assured that the people you discuss your issues with will understand where you are coming from.

Use visualization in order to assist you in quitting your smoking habit. When doing deep breathing exercises, shut your eyes, and imagine yourself being a non-smoker. Imagine yourself not giving in to temptation. Imagine winning a medal for not smoking. These types of programs, referred to as “quit smoking hypnosis,” are extremely effective.

If your willpower tanks and you feel a strong urge to smoke, pick up the phone. Explain your feelings to someone who has been through it and they can help you get through the rough patches. Your conversation will distract you from your craving, and you will be reassured that there is always someone to support you get through this.

Do not try to quit alone. Let your friends and family know when and why you are quitting. Ask them to help support you in your efforts. Have a friend that you can call whenever you feel the urge for a cigarette. The benefits of a support system to a successful quitting process are incalculable.

When you quit smoking, don’t forget to drink plenty of water. Drinking water has beneficial effects anyway, but especially when you’re trying to stop smoking. It will help flush out the toxins that smoking leaves behind, as well as help satiate your oral fixation, if you have one. If you already drink plenty of water, think about drinking an extra glass the next time you have a craving for a cigarette.

Hopefully, with the information in this article, you will be better informed of the steps you can take to quit smoking. You’ll face temptation and cravings down the road, but the knowledge you now have will enable you to just say no!