Quitting Smoking Does Not Have To Be Hard When You Have Tips Like These – familyhealthdesign

Kicking the habit can be beneficial to your health, your social life and your wallet. So why is it so hard to do? This article has some great advice on the things you can do to finally quit for good. Keep reading to see what might help you out.

Deal with nicotine withdrawal. Once you quit smoking, nicotine withdrawal can make you anxious, frustrated, or depressed. It’s all too easy to revert to your old habit. Nicotine replacement therapy can really help to relieve these symptoms. Whether it’s in the form of gum, a patch, or a lozenge, using one of these will probably double your chances of succeeding.

Put aside the money you would have normally spent on cigarettes, and save it for something that you really want, like a new outfit, some nice furniture, or a weekend away. Not only will you be feeling healthier, but you’ll soon see how much money you can save now that you’re not smoking.

Sometimes people think they can quit smoking by switching to a product such as chewing-tobacco. This isn’t a good idea because usually chewing-tobacco contains more nicotine. You might end up just replacing one addiction for another. If you really want a product that can help you quit, try nicotine gum instead. You can slowly taper off the gum. They don’t usually sell progressively weaker versions of chewing tobacco.

Creating a workout plan or an exercise program to help fill the void left by cigarettes. Exercising is a great stress reliever as well. You can ease into a healthier lifestyle by starting to take a daily walk and working your way up to strenuous activity. Talk to your doctor before starting any exercise routine.

If you are trying to stop smoking, see to it that you have plenty of rest. Some find that they crave cigarettes more when they stay up late. In addition, it’s easy to succumb to the temptation to smoke when it’s late at night and everyone else is already asleep. Eight hours of sleep each night will allow you to remain mentally focused, which keeps you in better control of nasty cravings.

Try to avoid alcohol if you’re trying to quit smoking. Alcohol and cigarettes are naturally complimentary to each other. In addition, alcohol lowers your mental focus, meaning you are more likely to give in to temptation or peer pressure. If you avoid alcohol, you’re more likely to stay clear of mind. This might just mean that quitting becomes a bit easier.

Improve your chances of successfully quitting by sharing your plan to quit with supportive loved ones and friends. The encouragement you receive can provide extra motivation during rough patches, and telling people about quitting will help you stay more accountable. Have a few people on stand-by whom you can call for distraction whenever you get a craving.

Many people find the electronic cigarettes a great way to quit smoking. They do not have as many of the negative effects of normal cigarettes and can be a good way to taper off your smoking from your normal levels to a lesser point, until you are no longer smoking at all.

Help yourself stop smoking by only allowing yourself to smoke a certain amount of cigarettes a day. You can do this by deciding the day before how many you will have the next day. This will keep you from going over that set amount every day and cut back on smoking.

Create a reward system for yourself ahead of time. Treat yourself to something nice every time you reach your preset goals. Make a list of things that you can use to reward yourself for reaching a week, month or day of nonsmoking. Put this list on the refrigerator and look at it every morning before work or school. This can motivate you at times of weakness.

When trying to quit smoking, set a goal. Tell yourself that you want to quit by a certain date and that if you are successful, you will reward yourself with something you have been wanting. You can use the money you saved by not smoking to buy this treat! This will give you the motivation you need.

Choose the date that you will quit and write it on the calendar. After you’ve done this, tell your friends and family. Choosing your quit date makes your goal more specific and real so that you’re more likely to take action towards it. It’s harder to change your mind once you’ve made a commitment, and other people can help support you if they know about your quit date.

If you are trying to quit smoking, it is vital that you have a goal in mind. You will only be successful if you have proper motivation to quit. There will be times when it is very difficult to resist the temptation to smoke. Remembering the reason you wanted to quit in the first place can carry you through those tough times.

Throw or give away all of your cigarettes or other tobacco products. If you don’t have easy access to tobacco, you won’t be tempted to have one last cigarette or to return to smoking when you feel stressed. In addition, if you decide to smoke, you’ll have to put extra effort into getting tobacco and might change your mind by the time you can get it.

As you can see, it is very important that you find a way to stop smoking. Not only is it bad for your health, but the social and economic consequences can be just as dire. If you use the ideas here you can find a way to finally kick that smoking habit.